Labels:audio cd | box | cd rom | door | fence | monitor | person | seat | tree OCR: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN LIBRARY PLANETA BYRON PREISS MULTIMEDI disc COMPAC DIGITALDATA 1996 TLO Propcrtics Multimedia Company Ine. on o1 listributed by W.H. Freeman& ompany Allrichi SoftKey ann Learning Company Multimedis are Company marks ofTLC Properties Inc. Digital Bauhaus Byron Intel Ine Intel trademark and Inder and the ndeo logo Windows logo are are registerex e registered trademarks trademark of of Corporation Microsoft Window and the Microsoft othc trademar the proper of hei owners Use of this product subjee certain restrictions limitations of warranty under the license agreement contained in the documentation. SAP344AE -CD SofitKay PLANETARIUM DIGITALDAT 1996TLC Propertics SoftKe Indeo other property subject